Waila participates at Wind2024

  On 22-23 October, we will participate in Vind 2024, the Nordic region's premier meeting place for the wind power industry. We welcome you to stand 1 at the Waterfront Congress Centre in Stockholm. We will share our expertise in operational…

Utbyggnad av befintlig solcellsanläggning på Storsudret

Vårt senaste solcellsprojekt blev utbyggnaden av en befintlig 6kW solcellsanläggning på södra Gotland. Eftersom det fanns effektanslutningsutrymme in den befintliga Solaredge växelriktaren kunde vi utöka effekten av anläggningen med…

Nya solceller på lammgård i Grötlingbo

Vår senaste 15 kW gårdsanläggning installerades hos Ulf och Lena i Grötlingbo, södra Gotland. Solcellerna på ladugårdens samt snickarbodens plåttak sammankopplades med en Fronius Gen24 Plus växelriktare. Växelriktaren möjliggör…

Våra nyaste solcellsanläggningar på Gotland

Under fjärde kvartalet 2023 har vi installerat 3 nya solcellsanläggningar samt ökat effekten på en befintlig solenergianläggning i Grötlingbo, Lokrume, Burgsvik och Hemse. Vårt erbjudande för installationen av högkvalitativa och…
Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO)

1,1 % energy yield increase with Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO) – Independent validation result

Waila has recently validated the success of Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO) in a windfarm with Vestas V-112  wind turbines in Northwestern Europe for one of the largest renewable energy infrastructure asset manager in Europe. The…
Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO)

Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO) – Independent Validation results

Are optimization measures for wind power plants, such as Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO), worth the money? And if so, how high is the effective power increase of the WTG after the optimization? These are questions important to…
Solel på Gotland

Solel för energikrisen i Europa

Efterfrågan på solel är enorm i Europa efter att energiimporten från Ryssland har minskat med rund 100 GW under 2022. (Vilket motsvarar effekten av ca. 100 stora kärnreaktorer!). Det finns ingen energikälla man kan bygga ut snabbare…

Artificial intelligence at Hemse

Since June 2021, we are using artificial intelligence (machine learning with neural networks) to analyse optimization measures in existing international wind portfolios. This enables us to simulate wind farm operation with and without optimization…
klimatbalans climate balance

Farm greenhouse gas balance sets the starting signal for climate-positive farming

The agricultural sector is increasingly affected by climate change. Adapting to the new growing conditions and increasing climate awareness among customers is of great importance for farmers who needs to make long-term investment decisions that…
Gotland klimatfond HimlaJord Waila kolinlagring

Waila launches Climate Fund for Agriculture

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Gotland has ideal conditions for the transition towards a climate-positive economy, even though the island is still one of the regions with the highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per person in Sweden. It is our vision that by 2030 Gotland…
Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO)

Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO) – Validation for one of the largest Vestas fleet operators in Europe

Are optimization measures for wind power plants, such as Vestas Power Performance Optimisation (PPO), worth the money? And if so, how high is the effective power increase of the WTG after the optimization? These are questions important to…

Aerodynamic Upgrades with Vortex Generators and Gurney Flaps: Validation

Waila AB is preparing an independent analysis of the yield impact of aerodynamic upgrades with vortex generators and gurney flaps on Vestas V90 wind turbines for a German municipal utility group. In order to be able to assess the success…

Waila accompanies biochar test in biogas plant

This May, a comprehensive test on the use of biochar for the fermentation of maize silage will be started in a biogas plant with a rated output of 2.4 MW(el) in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany). An increase in biogas production of more than…

Waila coaches master theses of students from Uppsala University

Since January 2020, two wind energy master students from Uppsala University have been writing their master theses at Waila. They will apply validation methods for the independent evaluation of optimization measures in existing international…

Waila optimizes the energy supply of a private house

Waila advises homeowners independently on the economic and ecological optimisation of the energy supply of a school building built around 1900 south of Visby and now used privately to: Optimisation of the overall concept for the climate-friendly…
biochar research

E-kol-ogiskt! – Summary of biochar research project

On the 20th and 21st of November 2019, Waila presented the results of the biochar research project E-kol-ogiskt! on Gotland. The audience included farmers, agricultural consultants, representatives of regional authorities in the fields of agriculture,…

Waila advises homeowners on the installation of solar systems

Since September 2019, a newly installed, 5.7 kW solar system is shimmering in the sunlight on the house and garage roof of a property in the south of the Swedish island of Gotland. The system covers the entire electricity demand of the house…
Pflanzenkohle Feldversuch Spargel

Results of the LEADER project E-kol-ogiskt!

Between autumn 2018 and spring 2019, Waila carried out a biochar field trial at Stenhuse farm in Sanda on the Swedish island of Gotland. The collected data is analyzed in close cooperation with Daniel Fischer, biochar expert from Germany, and…
Biochar Map

Biochar Map for Gotland

Within the LEADER Gute Project "E-kol-ogiskt! - a demonstration project for the application of biochar on Gotland", Waila AB is examining the utilization potential for biochar on the Swedish island of Gotland. In a sub-project, the total…
wind energy optimization

Waila supports Danish turbine operator with wind energy optimization

"We are happy that our Danish wind energy partner has decided to invest in the technical optimization of the turbine operation to increase both electricity yield and revenues" notifies Waila AB. "We provide the necessary time and know-how to…

Lokal aktors support the energy system transformation on Gotland

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The Swedish Government has appointed the Swedish Energy Agency to compile a feasibility study regarding the necessary actions to completely decarbonize Gotlands energy system. The transformation of Gotlands energy system is intended to serve…
biokolfältförsök sparris sverige

E-kol-ogiskt! – Waila starts a Leader project

The Leader project E-kol-ogiskt! has been started by WAILA AB and project partners from Gotland, Sweden and Germany this October. The goal of the Leader project is to demonstrate the beneficial impacts of biochar-substrates on soil properties,…

On the road with renewable electricity

Waila AB  uses an electric car for business trips on Gotland since August. The Citroën C-Zero is charged with electricity from renewables.  
Construction supervision

Coordination of the local construction supervision

In July 2018, WAILA AB has been contracted by a German Asset Management Company to control the local construction supervision of 2 wind farms on the mainland of Sweden with a total capacity of approx. 50 MW. Commissioning of the wind turbines…
Hur tillverkas biokol

Biochar for Gotland

The application of biochar (pyrolyzed biomass residues) in agriculture offers a multitude of benefits. This includes: an increase in the water storage capacity of agricultural soils, an increase in fertiliser use efficiency, a…
Neue Technologien für den Vogelschutzsystem an Windkraftanlagen

New technologies for bird detection and protection on wind turbines

The installation of wind turbines on Gotland rose strongly within the last decades. In parallel to that, the amount of breeding white-tailed eagles and golden eagles on Gotland increased considerably. It is very probable that the utilization…
Wind Resource Assessment

Wind Resource Assessment with Operation Data Analysis

As a part of a wind resource assessment, WAILA AB has analyzed the production data of two Swedish onshore wind farms for interested investors from Germany. The future energy production which can be expected for both wind farm on the long term…